The Grapevine Health Podcast
Using storytelling, the Grapevine Health podcast desires to improve community health literacy. The voice of community members is central to the podcast, featuring community folks who have a story to tell about their health care scares, experiences, fears, and observations. Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick will facilitate conversations between the community member telling the story and an expert to help dispel myths and help people understand the nuances of the medical or scientific info being shared.
The Grapevine Health Podcast
Hear Me Out
Grapevine Health
Episode 43
Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick talks to John Johnson, artist, storyteller, and founder of Verbal Gymnastics. Johnson talks about his experiences getting the coronavirus vaccine as well as stories he heard about the vaccine from the community. Johnson talks about stories the black community has not heard and explains why we should pay more attention to our privilege as Americans.
Music: Spark Of Inspiration by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com