The Grapevine Health Podcast
Using storytelling, the Grapevine Health podcast desires to improve community health literacy. The voice of community members is central to the podcast, featuring community folks who have a story to tell about their health care scares, experiences, fears, and observations. Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick will facilitate conversations between the community member telling the story and an expert to help dispel myths and help people understand the nuances of the medical or scientific info being shared.
The Grapevine Health Podcast
Shining Light
Grapevine Health
Episode 47
Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick talks with Shari Small, also known as Shining Light. Small sheds light on the marginalization of Native Americans across the country and the healthcare crisis caused by the pandemic. Small talks about the divide between life on and off of the reservation and why people need to raise awareness about these issues.
Music: Spark Of Inspiration by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com